Gumbies Rewards
Gumbies Rewards
Earn a 10c discount for every $1* spent on
Start earning today by following the steps below:
- Sign up to an account.
(Sign up here)
- Make sure you're signed in before placing an order!
(Sign in here)
- Place your order.
- Once your order is completed points will be added to your account.
You can view your points balance in your account (View Account)
- When you're ready to spend your points redeem them by clicking on the
icon in the bottom left corner of our website.
- Use the unique discount code on your next purchase.
Redeem points for past orders! We're honouring points for orders placed after January 1st 2019 to date!
To claim past points you will need to:
Sign up to an account.
(Sign up here)
Already purchased from us but did not activate an account? Contact our customer service to help complete your setup.
- Contact our customer service either by phone or email quoting your past order number(s). These usually begin with US.
- Our team with confirm and add the points to your account.
If you're having any issues creating an account or claiming points please contact us. Our contact details can be found here
*Points are not earned on shipping